5 reasons why your company should develop an app

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Do you have a company and are you looking for new ways to reach your potential customers? Surely a good advice to follow is to develop a corporate app.

Apps, specifically designed software for mobile devices, offer many possibilities and, given the growing interest of the public, allow reaching a large number of people.

According to the data from the Digital 2020 report by We Are Social, there are now more than 80 million smartphones in circulation in Italy, which is even more than the population. In addition to making calls, smartphones are used for chatting, using social media, and shopping, all using appropriate applications. Apps specifically designed for listening to music, exercising, monitoring health, and using home banking are also very popular. All this makes it clear how important it can be for a company that wants to increase its online visibility to accompany a corporate website with a dedicated app that offers additional services to its customers or that manages to attract a certain target. Below we will discover the 5 reasons why you too should develop a company app.  

5 reasons why your company should develop an app

The main reasons why you should develop a business app are the following:

  • Loyalty-building with customers
  • Leveraging mobile device functions
  • New marketing opportunities
  • Expanding project possibilities
  • Increasing visibility by turning customers into ambassadors.


Building customer loyalty

Creating a business app will help you get closer to your customers by providing them with not only a more direct and immediate communication channel, but also a useful tool to meet specific needs. Depending on the type of services and products you offer, as well as the target audience you are addressing, you can focus on different types of applications: for making purchases, receiving offers, managing money, making appointments, playing games, collecting points, monitoring physical activity, and so on. Apps also allow access to personalized content, making your communication more effective and engaging. This aspect will help you increase conversions and ensure that customers continue to use your services or buy your products.

Taking advantage of the many features of mobile devices

Smartphones and tablets today are rich in features that can interact with installed applications. This allows you to make the user experience much more personalized and efficient than what social media or websites can offer. For example, your business app could interact with the GPS of the device on which it is installed to send discounts and promotions when your customer is near your business location. Or, if you sell clothing, eyewear, or haircuts, you could develop an app that, interacting with the camera, allows your target audience to try on the clothes or glasses you are selling, or try on haircuts on their own photo. This way they can make a confident purchase or decide to book a haircut appointment knowing what they want!

Offer an additional marketing opportunity

Every target audience can be effectively reached through different channels; some are more responsive to traditional marketing channels, while others can be easily reached through certain social media or apps. If at least a portion of your target audience falls into the latter category, you should not miss the opportunity to reach them and offer them a new, efficient, and useful tool for a specific purpose. Your app would be a marketing tool in every respect, capable of sending news, updates, and promotions to your potential customers, as well as giving them the opportunity to immediately get in touch with you or with the customer service of your company. In practice, it would allow you to create a direct and intermediary-free communication channel, much faster and reliable.

Increase engagement and visibility

Having an application that can create a direct and perhaps useful contact to gain some additional benefits, the user will become attached much more quickly to your brand. This will make them more likely to remember it and become over time an ambassador, a spokesperson for the brand, capable of bringing in new customers. In fact, if they find your app useful and functional, they could talk about it to other people, thus making them aware of your company.


It does not limit the possibilities of your project

Although it is true that to develop a mobile app you must turn to professionals in the field, it is also true that the possibilities offered are very numerous. Apps do not impose the limits imposed instead by social media or websites. As you know, social media must respect the rules decided by those who created them, so the activities available to you are almost limited; in the same way, the website finds its limits in the fact that it can only be used by relying on a browser. Apps are real software that are installed on the device and allow direct interaction with it and the user without having to rely on intermediaries. Remaining within the rules of respect for privacy, you can offer many original features and make contacts faster, as well as repeating any actions. If a user is used to always buying the same product, they could keep it stored in the cart and click when they want to send a new order.

How to develop a company app

To create an efficient and high-performing company app, you will need to turn to professional programmers and graphic designers, unless you have the necessary qualifications yourself. The professionals you will turn to will plan the development project, turning your ideas, where feasible, into applications that can be downloaded by users and installed on mobile devices.



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