The five technological trends for app development

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The 5 technological trends for app development in 2022

Are you looking to promote your business or company and thinking about developing an innovative app alongside your traditional website and social media pages? If the answer is yes, then you absolutely need to know the 5 technological trends for successful app development in 2022.

Apps are among the most effective solutions to reach the right target audience and engage them in activities that will help retain their loyalty. This is demonstrated by data published by App Annie in the annual report “State of Mobile 2022,” which shows that spending on app purchases increased by 19% in 2021 compared to the previous year, while app downloads increased by 5%.
However, to achieve concrete results, it is essential to know which types of apps and digital experiences users want to experience. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 5 technological trends for app development in 2022.


The 5 technological trends for app development

In recent years, technology has made impressive strides, allowing us to interact remotely with devices inside our homes and wear connected accessories or clothing capable of monitoring our health status, among other things.

The 2022 technological trends for successful app development should not be seen as standalone opportunities to be exploited individually. The most attractive results will be achieved by exploiting multiple trends simultaneously, thus creating advanced mobile applications that are in step with the times.


Here are the 5 trends we have identified.

Internet of Things

At the top of the top 5 technology trends for app development, we have positioned IoT or the Internet of Things. More and more objects are being created to become part of the IoT landscape, that is, to be connected to a large network that, in addition to allowing us to control them remotely, puts them in communication with each other. According to the Internet of Things Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, in 2020, demand increased by 24%.

Creating an app that leverages IoT technology means creating a tool that allows you to control certain objects from anywhere and at any time. For example, if your company produces shutters, you could create models of internet-connected electric shutters that can be controlled through an app and can communicate with other devices. Your shutters could, for example, rise or fall based on the brightness detected by sensors.



The second place in the top 5 is occupied by Beacon technology. The name is a little less well-known than the Internet of Things, but its diffusion is considerable. Beacons – in Italian “lighthouse” – are electronic sensors that, using Bluetooth, send data to other devices. In particular, they communicate with smartphones, tablets, or other devices on which an application capable of receiving data has been installed and that are within the range of the sensors.

How to practically leverage Beacon technology? If you have a store, for example, you could create an app that, communicating with the sensors placed at the entrance, loads points, discounts, or promotions every time the customer accesses your activity or passes by.


The term Wearables refers to accessories and clothing that act as real devices. The best-known wearable devices are smartwatches, i.e., intelligent watches capable of monitoring the health status of the wearer or keeping track of the calories burned and kilometers traveled.

In addition to smartwatches, wearables include smart shoes, smart glasses, and even smart jackets! In general, all these accessories, sometimes equipped with sensors for biometric or movement detection, can be put in communication with a smartphone or tablet through specific apps that allow for data exchange.


5G has been talked about a lot lately, which is why we believe it deserves a place in the top 5 technological trends for app development in 2022. 5G, the fifth generation of internet connectivity, promises to make internet connections even more precise, fast, and efficient. From downloads to video calls, to immersive experiences, everything will be faster and more stable with 5G. The great potential it offers opens up new scenarios for developers, who can create highly effective apps even for specific areas such as healthcare or automotive, with a high degree of data protection.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Last but not least in our top 5 are augmented reality and virtual reality, two technologies that can open up never-before-seen scenarios and that, thanks to the power of 5G, can also be effectively exploited in mobile device apps.

What are they exactly? Augmented reality allows the use of devices to add digital elements to the actual reality, while virtual reality allows for a 360° immersion in a completely digital environment. The opportunities offered by these two technologies in the field of apps are countless. If you are an interior designer, for example, you could create an app that allows your client to see on the device screen how their home would look after your intervention. Augmented reality could instead be useful to give a customer who lives miles away from your shop a shopping experience similar to the traditional one.

In conclusion, in this article, we have discovered the 5 technological trends for app development that you can leverage in 2022 to attract and retain new customers. From the Internet of Things to virtual reality, new technologies make it possible to create modern high-level applications that meet the new needs of your customers. These trends can also be used individually, but they will work best when used together. If you produce sunglasses, for example, you could consider smart glasses that allow you to take advantage of virtual reality.

Contact us now to not miss out on this opportunity!

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