Creating e-commerce websites for your online business


Do you want to bring your business online and start selling easily and quickly with an online store? We are experts in creating fully customized e-commerce websites based on our clients’ needs.

We use the most modern and high-performing technologies, and e-commerce design is carried out both with CMS and through a completely custom development. We know the pros and cons of both methods, which is why we recommend the best solution to clients based on their business, goals, and needs.

What are e-commerce websites?

E-commerce refers to a web platform designed to sell products or services online. The main difference from standard websites is that an e-commerce manages electronic payments.

In fact, when a visitor lands on an e-commerce, they have the opportunity to browse various products, add them to the cart, and purchase them directly online. When it comes to physical goods, the purchased order can be delivered directly to the buyer’s home through couriers or shipping and logistics systems, or it can be delivered to the selected pick-up point.

In other words, an e-commerce allows for the automated management of the sale of products and services, offering users an updated catalog and handling the dynamics of product transit and shipping

That’s why creating an e-commerce website is very difficult as several logical factors and all the necessary automations for the entire system to function must be considered.

For this reason, it is essential to rely on agencies experienced in creating professional e-commerce sites to avoid venturing into enterprises that turn out to be too complex to manage and complete.

Why have a customized e-commerce?

Creating an e-commerce website can help you increase sales if you already have a physical store and products to distribute through other channels. This way, you will be able to deliver your products anywhere and sell them at any time because you will have a system that will manage your inventory, payments, billing, and take care of customers according to the methods they are accustomed to, especially following the pandemic period.

During this time, in fact, online stores were the only ones that did not suffer the consequences of social isolation, for many they were the only sales channel, while others, realizing their importance and potential, decided to move their business online to survive, and, once normalcy was restored, they maintained the two sales channels, physical and online, in parallel.

The creation of an e-commerce can easily represent the only sales channel: you could decide to sell only online to break down all geographical limits, the costs of a physical store, and only worry about those related to the warehouse supply (if you decide to sell in dropshipping, even these expenses will be a memory) and the maintenance of the online store.

How should an e-commerce website be?

We will always be honest with you, which is why we want to emphasize that creating a professional e-commerce website is not a walk in the park. In fact, the best e-commerce websites are not just visually appealing, they have a set of features that can only be achieved with the support of expert technicians in every phase of the project. Here’s everything that a quality e-commerce website should have.

Easy-to-use control panel

The creation of an efficient e-commerce website starts with the control functionalities given to the manager. The latter must be able to control all aspects of his platform, from catalog management to VAT management, discounts, and promotions.

A high-performing control panel can also allow you to manage a multi-store if you have a diversified business based on product type or customer.

Mobile-first approach

The design of a modern e-commerce cannot ignore the use of smartphones, because today most traffic comes from there, from mobile devices.

During the development of the e-commerce website, optimization for mobile use will be a priority and all key areas of your online store will be aligned with best practices for mobile navigation.

This will greatly improve the user experience and encourage them not only to make a purchase, but also to return to your virtual store for future purchases.

Custom graphic layout

In most cases, using pre-purchased templates is not enough to create a successful e-commerce: the graphic layout must be carefully studied and tailored to the browsing habits of your customers, which can be analyzed through neuromarketing and user experience surveys, as well as be consistent with your brand identity.

You need to find a unique and different way to communicate with your visitors and potential buyers, and the e-commerce can become the best interpreter of this language.

Multilingual SEO-friendly support

If you’re thinking of starting to sell abroad, it’s necessary to create a multilingual e-commerce. We can implement the multilingual structure both for native e-commerce sites and those created through CMS, equipped with these systems in all languages of the world. Even when using CMS, however, it’s necessary to properly configure and make the multilingual functions SEO-friendly, in code cleanliness and in the correct use of tags, to avoid issues of duplicate content, indexing, and localization.

SEO Optimization

From an SEO optimization perspective, the development of e-commerce sites is definitely one of the most complex activities to manage. Although many CMS have a basic predisposition for SEO and, therefore, some aspects are practically ready to be implemented immediately, it is necessary to work with precision in technical SEO for e-commerce since some factors, if poorly managed, can compromise both indexing and the interpretability of content by search engines. We refer in particular to the management of product pages and product variants, paginated pages, and search filters.

Excellent navigability

To ensure a satisfying experience for potential buyers, it is necessary that they can easily navigate your e-commerce site. Users must be able to browse products, categories, brands, and other strategically defined filters, and most importantly, it is essential that they finalize their purchase in a simple and fast manner, with payment methods that they expect and are comfortable with.

That’s why, at the foundation of creating an e-commerce site with these essential characteristics, there must be a study of the habits and psychology of the target user’s navigation, and using pre-packaged templates will not be enough.

Internal Search Engine

If the visitor cannot find the product they are looking for, they will abandon your online store and you will lose a customer. The product search is a crucial moment for the user and it should be made as easy as possible. It is not feasible to expect the user to browse through the entire product catalog and all categories because online users are known to be in a hurry. For this reason, the development of a quality e-commerce website must be supported by an intelligent system that allows users to find the desired product by searching through categories, products, brands, and other product variants.

Advanced management of product variations

In an e-commerce website, it is essential to provide automated management of product variations such as colors, sizes, and types. Automation should also cover the processing of inventory and stock availability.

Shipping management

The creation of an e-commerce website doesn’t end with the platform where customers can make purchases. It’s crucial to provide clear information to the customer about deliveries and shipments, costs, any free shipments, and the supplier responsible for the operation. To ensure transparency, it’s helpful to set the weight, dimensions, and shipping costs based on the minimum order amount. It’s also very important to communicate to the customer all the order’s states to reassure them about their purchase and establish a relationship of trust.


The Blog and News section are really useful for publishing communications and updates on products for sale, promotions, and all types of activities related to your online store. The blog is also crucial for giving a boost to the e-commerce SEO: publishing informative articles about products, instructions for use, buying tips, comparative articles between products, can be a very useful strategy to rank on informational keywords related to products, so that you can be found by all those users who, before buying, inform themselves about products to make the right choices and who could then stay on the online store to complete the purchase.

Integration with any management software

For an e-commerce to function properly, it must be connected to an ERP software that manages product availability, online orders, and even product databases. Based on your requests and needs, we can develop management software from scratch to be connected to your e-commerce, or if you already have a management system, we can integrate it with the new e-commerce to make the entire process work as effectively as possible.

Customized tax and currency localization

Creating a perfect e-commerce website requires considering that users can purchase from different countries, which implies the need to manage different currencies and taxes. That’s why the online stores we develop offer the possibility to recognize the user’s geographical location, automatically calculate relevant taxes, and offer specific promotions for each country. It will also be possible to allow users to pay in different currencies.

Advanced tracking with the best analysis tools

It is essential to have analysis tools that provide reliable data to refer to in order to monitor key metrics and use them to improve marketing and sales strategies. That’s why we will make sure to connect your e-commerce with the best digital analysis tools, such as Google Analytics, importing all the specific e-commerce tracking, while respecting all requirements for personal data processing.

Simplification of the purchasing process

Often, traditional sales paths and checkouts are not the best in terms of usability, which can lead to incomplete purchases. That’s why in the development of e-commerce sites, we create personalized, simple, and immediate purchasing paths, capable of improving conversion rates and allowing the user to quickly complete the purchase with the most popular payment methods.

Optimal loading speed

Every moment of waiting for a page to load causes users to abandon the page, which, in the case of e-commerce, equates to potential lost sales. To avoid this, we create super lightweight and fast e-commerce sites to ensure the best performance, in order to improve the user experience as much as possible.

Implementation of GDPR compliance

Often, during the development of e-commerce websites, this aspect is overlooked, as it can be tedious to involve a legal expert and give up storing some data to comply with GDPR regulations. We attach great importance to adapting the online store to all the requirements provided for the processing of personal data, from the law on third-party cookies to the methods of processing customer data, to avoid any future problems.

Creating e-commerce websites: ongoing assistance

Even when an e-commerce project is completed and launched, the work doesn’t end there. It is vital to periodically update e-commerce platforms for several reasons:

  • To ensure maximum system security
  • To allow the owner to use the latest released features
  • To ensure the longevity of the online store
  • To reduce the need for future assistance
  • To reduce management costs.

So, even after the e-commerce launch, the web design or development team will always be available for any issues, assistance, requests for modification, or integration of new functionalities.


Each project must be considered individually, and for each project, the customer may request additional or fewer services or different levels of customization. Therefore, e-commerce website creation prices can vary considerably depending on the type of project. The starting price is €1600.

Thanks to the support of the project manager, we will guide you in every phase of the project, both in the ideation phase and during the implementation, and we will help you find the best shipping management companies, those that are most convenient and suitable for your project, also based on the places where you intend to ship your products.

Based on your needs, we will study the most suitable solutions: it is certainly good practice to allow customers to pay by credit card, therefore be open to Visa, Mastercard, and America Express circuits, or with PayPal. Depending on the products for sale and the average customer receipt, it is possible to evaluate together the possibility of implementing installment payment systems or bank transfers.

If requested by the client, we offer web marketing services to promote the e-commerce and allow the customer to immediately make his new online store known to his target audience.

We start with a strategic and personalized marketing plan for the project and spread the activities over time and according to the priorities set by the marketing plan. Specifically, we can take care of:

  • SEO optimization to ensure that products are easily searchable through search engines;
  • drafting an editorial plan for the blog and social media;
  • email marketing and monthly or weekly newsletters, depending on the goals of the marketing plan;
  • definition of promotions at certain times of the year and technical implementation
  • planning and management of advertising campaigns on Google Ads, Google Shopping and Meta;
  • analysis of data from different acquisition channels and consequent optimization of conversions.

Absolutely yes, it is necessary that the internal team that will manage the store is completely autonomous in inserting new products, updating product information, setting up coupons or discount codes, managing orders, managing any refunds, as well as modifying the appearance of some sections of the site. This is possible because we include in the quote (where necessary) basic or advanced training hours, to ensure that our intervention is only necessary in case of major structural changes, for the implementation of new features or for technical maintenance.

We are partners with well-known European server providers, which allows us to offer various solutions for shared or virtual servers and proprietary hosting. Typically, we propose scalable solutions to easily support upgrades and significant increases in traffic volume.

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